Sales Tax Automation

One of the most significant elements of society is taxation. It provides the state governments with the majority share of the state’s revenue they need to operate. Building trust among people, businesses, and the government promotes more tax compliance with transparency in the system.

With a single view for the taxpayer and support for numerous revenue kinds, Tax and Revenue Management offers a comprehensive configurable and upgradeable solution that improves revenue collections and compliance. This solution brings inherent flexibility in terms of applicability and non-applicability of taxes, calculation of taxes, etc.

The automation of taxation departments streamlines their internal business processes and increases the ease and efficiency in the Collection of VAT, CST, and Professional Tax from their Registered Dealers, Processing of Short filers, Non-filers and refunds, Identification of pilferage in tax collection, and Identification of Non-registered Dealers.

Technology specialists at Terasoft design the IT architecture for total automation of the Taxation Departments, making it easier to the government and taxpayers by computerizing the tax administration departments and thus create Primary & Secondary Data Centers, Network Operations Center, IT hardware, networking components and communications at all the dept locations along with necessary site infrastructure. Outsourced processes like Data Entry, Scanning, Printing Notices etc. are managed at each of the Dept. offices respectively. Legacy data documents of the Dept. are scanned, and the scanned images are transferred to the Operations Center for Data Digitization.To assist end users and department officials with system maintenance and application support, a centralised helpdesk and an outbound call centre with a toll-free number and call tracking mechanism would be set up as part of automation. This helps the Dept manage helpdesk operations effectively reaching the right people with the skills to best address their needs.


Terasoft designed and developed the Tax Application Web Portal that facilitates the Dealers to interact with the taxation Dept for various tax-related activities like – registration, tax filing, downloading and uploading of various statutory forms and reports, payments, refunds etc. The taxation gateway helps the Dept. to take better decisions and offer a better service quality to the taxpayers.

Thus Automation of the Taxation Dept. brings transparency into the system and maximizes tax collection through universal coverage of eligible taxpayers. It facilitates and provides the following online services to the Dealers & to the Department.

a) For Dealers

  • Facilitation of e-Filing (online filing) to the Tax Payers
  • e-Registration for dealers of VAT, CST and Professional Tax
  • e-Filing of VAT Returns
  • e-CST returns
  • e- C-form requests, processing and printing
  • e-filing of sales and purchases of dealers ( J1/J2 forms)
  • TDS – annexures
  • E-refunds
  • e-Audit Form
  • Self-creation of User-Id and Password for accessing e-services
  • Online Dealer’s Profile
  • Computer-aided assessment
  • Online registration of grievances

b) For Department’s Administration

Support the Department in achieving its goal of enhanced revenue collection through

  • System aided decision making in Core Tax Processes
  • Greater G2G collaboration
  • Simplification and streamlining of the department procedures
  • Scanning and Digitization of the data related to Tax Payers/Dealers
  • Faster data processing and analysis
  • Improved compliance through e-filing
  • Reducing revenue leakages
  • MIS Reports and Dashboards for efficient control
  • Provide Decision Support System (DSS) to officers
  • Reduced service cost
  • Functionality/Workflow Automation
  • Effective compliance
  • Elimination of duplicates